Our Team
Ian Renshaw
Ian has a Sport Science and PE background and this frames his approach to working with coaches and teachers. He currently resides in Brisbane, Australia after previous spell in the UK and New Zealand. Ian’s awareness of the ideas of Ecological Dynamics emerged when he was completing his Masters degree in Coaching Studies at Moray House in the 1990s and built on his previous work as a PE teacher and framed in his own work as a practising coach. Since then he has combined his teaching, research and coaching to develop his practice by developing a deeper understanding of the key theoretical ideas of Ecological Dynamics and its implementation through a CLA. Ian has a deep passion for improving practice and continues to test his ideas in his own coaching and teaching.
Keith Davids
Keith has worked on the scientific theories and practical applications behind the constraints-led approach for 30 years. He has published and presented research relevant to educators, sport scientists, coaches, academics, and exercise and rehabilitation professionals during that time. He has undertaken this research programme across the globe in many countries in the European Union and in Australia, New Zealand, Norway and the UK.
Will Roberts
Will is a coach and researcher who works extensively with national organisations such as Sport England, and is currently on the advisory board for UK Coaching. He is a Senior Lecturer in Sport Development and Coaching at the University of Waikato, New Zealand and has an interest in Ecological Dynamics and constraints based methodologies from grass roots to elite sport. With the rest of team from The Constraints Collective he is a Series Editor of the Constraints Based Methodologies in Sport Series (Routledge), a book collection of applied research to support coaching practice. Will co-created the Boing project, focussed on supporting coaches to develop movement capabilities in young people and also currently advises various sports academies in the development of movement programmes and coach education in elite settings.
Danny Newcombe
Daniel Newcombe is Coach Development Manager at the Premier League. Until recently, he was a Senior Lecturer in Sport, Coaching and PE in the department of Sport, Health Sciences and Social Work at Oxford Brookes University, UK. He now holds a visiting research fellow post at Oxford Brookes. Daniel has worked in higher education for ten years and has been delivering Coaching: Practice to Theory modules to undergraduate students. Daniel is also an international and domestic national league hockey coach. He is currently the head coach of the Men’s Welsh National Team and works extensively with a number of partners in the coach development space.
Martyn Rothwell is a Senior Lecturer in Sport Coaching and Performance, and an Associate Researcher within the Sport and Human Performance Research group, at Sheffield Hallam University, UK. Over the past 15 years Martyn has been committed to developing a parallel career in higher education and sport coaching. Martyn continues to conduct multidisciplinary research in high performance sport settings, and is a World Cup winning coach with the England Wheelchair Rugby League team.